Heli Expo Set Up Day 2
This year's Heli-Expo marks the largest event to date with all 1 million square feet of the Dallas Convention Center's exhibit hall

Heli-Expo 2017 Helicopter Arrivals
The helipad at the convention center loading docks makes for a pretty tight landing zone. Yet these pilots made landing here look easy with

Helicopter Adventures - PIT - DAL Ferry Flight Day 1
Last week my company started a lease on a new (to us) helicopter, that my friend and coworker Stephen Boatwright and I were sent to...

Ferry Flight Day 2 part 2
As we are landing, the sun paints a golden glow over the turbine Pawnee tied down on the ramp out side of an ancient looking hangar. After l

Agusta Power vs GrandNew: An autopilot discussion.
Agusta retained the skeletal system of the flight controls but completely replaced the brains of the system, trading out antiquated Vertical